– The ceramic journey

“ As I touch I feel,

As I hold I hear a story untold

A journey that started years ago.


Broken from a large earthy mass

With edges rough and hard I traversed through

Unknown treacherous terrains.


Meandering through mountains & rivers

To the sea and the ocean.

I traveled through stormy nights & sweltering heat

On this path that kept eroding me

Through thick & thin I stood my ground

And through this process of weathering

I discovered myself

A silent witness to the evolution

Of this planet – the earth.”


20 years ago, Ruby acquired two pit fired clay pebbles from late ceramic artist Indru Bhatia’s collection. They remained with her for many months before she began to hear and feel their story.

Unconsciously she started creating ceramic pebbles of her own. Each stone/pebble underwent a transformation of the ceramic medium as Ruby conceived her works from a place of unity and chaos.

Slowly, the five elements; earth, water, air, fire & ether take over as the Artist’s relinquishes control and responds to the silent explosive energy.

Every pebble is a part of her living experience in that moment in time.


– The dancers response

Ruby’s creation of the many pebbles resonate a deep meaning within Hri- shikesh as a performer. At once, he understands the journey of a pebble and sees his journey as an artist within that pebble.

Does a dancer or an artist go through the process of weathering and refining? Are we as artists or non-artists trying to fine-tune, shape and evolve into the best versions of ourselves?

These are the questions that Hrishi responds to, through this choreographic project. In this interactive performance; what is a stage,who is the performer and who is the viewer will get interwoven.

Watch video here.